Friday, March 19, 2010

Work is slow. Having Tim around is great. We work so well together, and customers think that we own the store! LOL! In the mean time I'm trying to work with Tim on laying the ground work for starting my own business. I would love to eventually work with Tim on both of our dreams.
The Etsy Business isn't moving how I'd like it either. My scarves aren't selling & the season for them is almost over. The next project: coasters. I have inherited some fabric from work and am about to get busy sewing. So keep a look out for them because they will be priced to move!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

I have discovered a new love..... Almond Joy Pieces! They are way too expensive, but satisfy me greatly. They combine my love for chocolate and coconut with almonds in every bite! Unfortunately everyone else in the household loves them too.

Friday, March 5, 2010

the new job

So, Tim's new job didn't pan out. They had unreal expectations, very little pay, and no benefits whatsoever. Now.. the weird but good news: Tim got a job with me! That's right, at Cleo's! We're going to tag team and potentially make a lot of money (crosses fingers). Business cards will have both of our info on them, and we will recommend each other if the other isn't going to be there. We'll just see how all this goes, but I'm hoping it works well.
In the mean time, I've started my ETSY! For those of you who don't know what etsy is, it's kind of like ebay but for crafty people. You make handmade items and sell them. I've only posted one item, but when I have time, I have plenty to post. Right now, I'm making "skurfs." They are otherwise known as infinity scarves. They are just round scarves that can be doubled around your neck. And for those of you who have received scarves from me in the past, yes they are made from the same yarn. I've even found another type of yarn that is just as soft and easy to work with. Please check them out and give me some feedback as to colors you'd like to see etc...